Friday 4 April 2014

Sorting algorithms are important for computer science. Sorting algorithms compare data, in some cases, we have to sort a large amount data. Sorting algorithms are ranked according to their efficiency as the input size grows how the run time is effected.

Most algorithms have a efficiency of O(n^2) or O(nlog(n)) (like pythons builin sort function)

Many algorithms that have the same efficiency dont have the same speed on the same input. Firstly, many algorithms are judged on their average case, best case, and worst case efficiency. Some algorithms, (i.e. quick sort)  are very quick for some inputs, but horribly slow for others. Other algorithms, (i.e. merge sort) are unaffected by the order of input data due to the way they function and sort. Even a modified version of bubble sort can finish in O(n) in the best case.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Object Oriented Programming

This is basically a program that can use objects. So what does that mean?

An example is a car, you can imagine a car being made up of different object that work with each other to make the complete car work.

So now that I actually started my assignment, I'm having a ton of trouble tracing recursive functions.
It's just way too much for my brain at the moment, I'm pretty sure I'll get use to it after this assignment though.

Luckily I met my CSC108 TA from last semester and he made the mistake of asking me how school was going...Lets just say, I have a better idea of how recursive functions work now.

>>> Recursive function == Mathematical induction

Recursive functions basically have a base case (typically when 'n' = 0) and another case for when 'n' != 0 and for the n != 0 I run it through the function again.

Friday 7 February 2014

So far I have learned from class (not google...) that recursive functions are simply:

RECURSIVE FUNCTION: A functions that (see 'Recursive Function')

Sunday 19 January 2014


Ladies, Gentlemen, TA's and Profs,

I present to you, my slog!

You may be wondering what the heck this is. And in all honesty, I'm not too sure either. Apparently, the Computer Science department, at the University Of Toronto, believe that creating a blog named slog (I know aren't they creative...I mean uhmmm...very good idea!) will enhance my learning experience in their course (LOL).

I will be (hopefully) posting my experience's as we progress through the course. This will include milestones I have reached in the course, topics I am having trouble with, and problems that I have overcome. I will be getting emotional in this blog, telling you about my ups and downs, my success and my failure. (If I get too emotional, I'm probobly drunk)

Oh yeah... we're also getting graded on this. (If there is anyone, that knows how to hack into school servers...I pay accordingly. (This was a joke professor!)) no it wasn't!

The scope of this blo...slog will consist mainly of topics on:
  • Object Oriented Programming (No clue what that is)
  • Recursion (The stuff inside the other stuff that calls itself to do more stuff...It's more complicated than women)
  • Sorting and Efficiency (..........
 From the Assignment
 'Don't reveal personal information in your SLOGs or profiles that you aren't comfortable sharing with the world. Remember, facts such as your name, age, gender, and address can be used for identity theft. In addition, if the server for the SLOG is located in the U.S., you may assume that Homeland Security might scan your opinions on abstract data structures, recursion, and whatever else you post.'

So after that Id like to say...Sorry ladies, you wont be getting my number.

Note to Homeland Security: Hi :D


I'm currently studying Bioinformatics at the University Of Toronto and I have a deep-seated desire to put an end to cancer.

ENJOY!!!!! :D